Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little But Loud

Well, Internet explorer is still good for something after all!

This is just a sampling-wish there was a way to catch those

crazier moments when everyone's on their own track at once!


Anna Maria Junus said...

They do this when they're teenagers too.

Anonymous said...

oh gooooodnesssss!!! haaaaa!! The fact that your husband is asleep it HILIARIOUS!

BusyDad said...

I only have one kid. Kids in stereo surround sound? Kind of scares me a little bit.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That was pretty funny! The scream-fest was not one to listen to next to a sleeping person! Had to quickly turn down the volume! :) Didn't want him flying out of bed in search of the screamer!
Hey, I tagged you.....