This month Soap Opera Sunday is doing love triangle stories. Just as a little follow-up side story to last time's, there is an almost triangle behind that story. Also, for those who requested pictures, they are down one post, here.
Now here's the awkward side story. While I was getting to know Chocolate Boy aka Papi to those that know him today, we told each other all about our past loves and dating history. The big story for him, had been a girl, we'll call her Mitzi, that he dated right after he came home from his mission. They dated for about 7 months and then they got engaged. His mom wasn't very happy about this. Her mom was. Then his uncle offered him the chance to come join him in Montreal. Conniving mom was behind this. For a lot of reasons, different things going on in Chile, he felt it was a big break he needed to take. He would apply for Mitzi to join him later. Problem being, Mitzi wasn't too excited about going to Canada. As a matter of fact, once he was there, she didn't want to join him until after she got a chance to go on a mission. He admits, unreasonably, he didn't want her to do that, even though she was going to have to wait a while for the visa to join him. They got in a fight and broke up. The end. Now she was on a mission.
Fast forward to a day after we got engaged. He's showing me pictures from back home. Oh, and remember the big love story gone sour? Here was a picture of Mitzi. I wanted the floor to part and swallow me up. I knew Mitzi. Why had it never occurred to me that she was THIS Mitzi. Not only did I know Mitzi, I had unwittingly played a part in the drama. It was the last month of my mission. We got to know Mitzi really well because my companion and I were teaching her cousin and she was supporting her through the process. One day she says she wants our advice. There's this guy, see? Joe Blow, do you know him? My comp says, yes but I have no idea who they are talking about. They start describing him and all, but nothing clicks. Anyhow, I ask, what about him? They've been dating for a while now and she really, really loves him, but she really really wants to go on a mission. He says they should get married, and she wants to marry him, but she really really really wants to go on a mission. But she really really loves him and wants to marry him, but...the circle continues. He says marriage, she says mission.
Ok, I ask if he went on a mission. Yes, he just got home like 3 months ago. Well, duh! He's just the overzealous returned missionary seeking a wife. Tell him to chill. Yes but, she really really really loves him, you know? But she can't get the idea of a mission out of her mind. I asked if she'd prayed about it. Not really. Well, there it was: pray. If you feel like you should marry, do it. If you feel like you should go on a mission, do it. One of two things will happen. He'll wait and you will be married afterward. Or he won't wait and you'll find someone better. After all, he's not the only fish in the sea...
Now I could just see her accusing me. So you DON'T KNOW JOE BLOW EH? How is it you managed to hunt him down and steal him from me while I was on my mission? Oh of course you wouldn't care if he waited or not... much better to get me out of the way, huh?
He assured me that really, they had cut it off before her mission and obviously, they had both been immature enough about the whole thing, they weren't as in love as they thought they were and everything worked out for the best.
Fast forward about 3 years or so. We went to Chile. We were coming home from somewhere in the middle of the night and the taxi pulls over. I was in the front with my daughter and my Mother in law and my husband were in the back. In climbs no other but... Mitzi. Awkward small talk. The next Sunday we went to church and were able to start awkwardly making better friends again, but her mom-if looks could kill, her laser beam eyes would have pierced my heart. That kind of helped me not feel guilty. What was wrong with this lady? Didn't she know her daughter was marriageable enough to find another husband? Eventually she did, and when we went back to adopt Carino, Mitzi lent us her crib for our baby to use. All's well that ends well. Even the evil almost mother in law is happy now with her son in law and grandchildren and we are off her blacklist. Whew!
You husband stealer!!!
Kidding of course. Another great post from you! Thank you for taking the time to share this,
Hi. I don't know you, but I like you. And your story is a lot like my best friend's story, in that her mission companion (she served in Venezuela) was in love with this guy, and my friend even met his family and saw pictures of him. The comp wanted to marry him. Fast forward like 5 years, and the guy (who did not marry the comp) walks into my best friend's class at LDS Business college (where she happened to be the teacher). Totally inappropriate student/teacher dating occurred, and he proposed to her while he was still her student! O.K. I guess that's not exactly like your story, but sorta, kinda,...maybe?
Sounds like he got the best wife. And he'd better think so, too!
How funny! My husband was engaged and broke it off years before we got together. Turns out, his ex-fiancee used to be my visiting teacher. Small world, huh?
He got the better deal!!! Great story!
What a funny turn of events. The sweet sister missionary talks this girl out of marrying this boy, and then goes and marries the guy herself...completely unawares!
Truth is stranger than fiction, for sure!
Thanks for the wedding pictures! I'm glad everything worked out... but isn't it just weird sometimes how small the world is?
I "could" have met my husband 6 years before I did if I had stayed at college rather than drop out after 3 weeks. He was best friends with a girl on the floor I lived on.
Then who knows if we've have ever gotten married because he was SOOO different back then!
Wow! What a small world! I have a tiny bit similar story. My husband was dating and almost engaged to a girl...he had the ring, she just didn't know it. I was almost dating a guy from another country...who my husband coincidentally knew (this kid was from my husband's host family while he was at school in this other country). This guy asked my husband and his almost-fiancee advice about dating me (he hadn't yet asked me out but we liked each other). My husband vaguely knew me through church and spending time with my brothers..he lived a few hours away from us though, so didn't know us real well. Years later he tells me that this guy asked him about me and my husband encouraged it, saying that I seemed like a real nice girl. Whew, that neither of our other loves worked out and we ended up!
That is hilarious! I don't remember ever hearing that part of the story before!
Hmm, wonder if he feels like he dodged a bullet as the evil mother could have been his MIL.
Thats is SO funny! The world is very small, huh?
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