Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Most people don't decorate their homes by poking holes in their walls. Most people, if they accidentally knock a hole in a wall fix it as soon as possible. Most people aren't 2 years old. This is good for a whole lot of reasons. We didn't originally plan to have walls that looked like Swiss cheese, but the destructomobile of four sensory seeking boys just got ahead of us. My husband isn't lazy, he works two jobs and goes to school part time, so things just have to wait a lot. One day, my husband finally decided to patch up a big hole in our bedroom. The twins got in before it dried... (that sad tale is just a corollary of a very long day you can read about here-and really, it's a lot better story than this one :)). Anyhow, they took a liking to the taste of drywall and soon there were holes being carved out of the walls everywhere.
There was a really big hole in the basement near the rocking chair, which facilitated it's growth. It got so big, I was afraid they were going to tunnel out of the house before it got fixed, so it was called the tunnel to China hole. Then there was the mother of all holes. It was big and it was halfway down the stairwell to the basement, so it was DEEP and it was just the right height for a 4 year old to use. We called it THE BLACK HOLE.
One night, I melted down. Over ice cream. As I walked through the kitchen, I noticed the lid to a brand new carton of ice cream on the counter. No carton. I look in the freezer. No carton. I look in the fridge. No carton. I look all over the house. No carton. I interrogate 5 kids over and over and over again. Finally one kid cracks and tells me his brother (right!) threw it away. Well, then how come it wasn't in the garbage? Simple. It was in the black hole. A carton full of ice cream! That was it. That was the last straw. I called my husband at work and told him he had to find time to clean out the bowels of the black hole before someone threw a lighter down it and set the whole thing on fire. Then he had to patch it up forever.
Well, I wish I could say that was the end of the holes in our house, but they just kept appearing. One of the boys was determined to dismantle our home piece by piece, and had pulled off the molding around a few doors and started to chip away at the walls.
Except. There was this one hole in the hall outside the Things' bedroom. It kept re-appearing even after patching it back up 3 times. So we decided to leave it there. Just one hole. The "Sacred Hole" or "Orificio sagrado". We left it there to appease the boys. And there it remained for years. It grew a little and got some little dents to keep it company.
I give up. Maybe we should just let it go and call it the wailing wall? Maybe we can just paint some trompe l'oeil that makes it blend in? Maybe we should just resign ourselves to living in a dive till the kids leave home? Except then they'll probably bring their kids to visit...
I can't tell you how many unfinished projects we have! Drives me nuts.
Goodness...... it's the kind of thing I have to put up with but at least you don't have anything crawling out of the holes!
Hopefully they will all be repaired one day!
Made a great PSF!
Oh, I love it. Totally love it. Loved the artwork next to the holes in the wall, too! Great photo Friday.
oh yikes! I think they'd be admitting me to the loony bin! You seem to be holding up much better than I would!
Ha, very interesting! lol! I know the feeling of unfinished projects though. I have quite a few around here. lol!
Hppy Friday!
That sure is a lot of holes - good thing you captured it all in pictures!!
Wow! I feel lucky to have escaped with only 2 holes so far (and lots of dents...)
OMG, I would go nuts.
My goodness, I'd be in the loony bin right now.
I hope you are all hole free soon! :) Good thing you have it documented for posterity and with pictures too!
It's always a struggle to balance life and upkeep. We aren't very good at the upkeep so someday we will pay for a lot of work to be done physically or financially! Kids are the agents of chaos so I feel like as long as it's sanitary I am not going to stress TOO much.
You have the patience of a saint. Truly.
Here's hoping for no more Swiss cheese walls.... :)
love it!
my walls are made of bricks, so I think I don't need to worry about holes. but my kids are artist and they love to make graffiti all over the house. my father in law told me to paint the wall but I said, "I think I need to wait until the kids are over fifteen, or I need to paint my wall every other day.. "
OMGoodness - that's a lot of holes! Your boys are busy beavers :-) I'm pretty sure my ball-loving boy will knock plenty of holes in our walls some day....windows, too. Ugh.
Wow. Sorry. We have a ton of unfinished projects too. No fun. ;-)
We have tons of projects that are unfinished to. Oh well...
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Listen, I ain't one to judge. My youngest daughter is the cutest wrecking ball you will ever meet. she destroys everything. She eats everything, too. I'm surprised she hasn't tried eating drywall.
We went through a phase where she painted closet doors, the rugs, toys, her train table, and everything else that didn't move with her poop. Yep, that's right. POOP! She would reach into her diaper, grab some poopy paint and create a create a stinky masterpiece. It was disgusting.
Now, my lovely Leonardo simply stamps the walls and paints with nail polish all over walls. UGH!
Last summer she caused me to have a breakdown. You can read about it here:
Yes, I know all about sensory issues. To avoid any incidences, I make sure she paints or plays with play dough every day. Shaving cream is great fun, too. If for some reason we skip a sensory activity, you can guarantee I will find a mess waiting for me in the house.
If I were you, I would teach your boys how to patch holes. They would probably love it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come around again soon. :-)
HOLEY cow! (HA ha ha!!)
That is insane. You are a woman of great patience!
You win. Whatever award there is that's given to saintly mothers who refrain from throttling their children even when they are eating the house? Yeah, that one. You win it. I may never complain again.
Oh man. But I understand. I truly do. Our little sensory-seeker doesn't pick at the walls though. She picks at her skin. Sometimes until she bleeds. But at least I can put a band aid on that.
I'm suddenly so glad for our olden tymes lath and plaster walls. Seriously, even a hammer only makes DENTS, not HOLES.
Dude, you need padded walls, except that they would probably think it was fun to bounce off them. OYE!
Oh my goodness those are some holes, eek!! Do I have this to look forward to with boys???
How about padded walls?
Surely, it will send you to the loony bin at some point :o)
And the previous post is called "patience" ha ha ha.
You've got some "hole-y" problems, don't you?
Here, here, I would totally go nuts too!
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