Last Friday we had a Ward Talent Show. It was pretty much thrown together at the last minute. They asked each organization to prepare 2 numbers. None of us in the presidency planned on performing, but it took forever to get people to come practice and in the end, most of us had to perform. It would have been much better with more practice, but we had a lot of fun and everyone loved it. We know better for next time, we'll immediately call someone and put them in charge of the numbers! We did a sketch based on a video a friend put on her blog. We were a team of synchronized swimmers. The funny thing for us was, we never practiced with the goggles, and didn't realize they steam up and you can't see what you're doing. Plus, after each step our minds would go blank and we'd have to remember what came next. I think we laughed as hard as the audience. Since I have no shame, I will add it here. Beforehand we had the announcer say that although everyone knows we have a volleyball team, few know the Relief Society also has a Synchronized Swimming team which has been practicing clandestinely in the baptismal font. But, now that we are headed to the Olympic trials, we decided to do our debut performance for the ward.
Don't miss the Grand Finale!
The bishop said he never imagined in a million years we would come up with something like that. I told him we're just getting time our rhythmic gymnastics team will be ready...haha!
Then my Carino also "prepared" a break dance for the Primary. They could never organize a rehearsal, so he and another boy talked about what they would do and just got up and did it without really practicing more than 5 minutes. They cracked us up, they are huge hams! Here's a big chunk of their performance:
Our second number was a dance, la Pollera Colorada but due to technical difficulties, I can't get it to upload. You're probably sick of videos by now as it is. There were some other really fun numbers, we had some great Tahitian dancing among other things and we all had a fun night. you would think what with all the jumping around making a fool of myself and dancing, I might have gotten an injury doing those numbers, but no. Since I'm truly talented, I got injured making Christmas cards at the church a few days before. It takes talent, but I was up to the task. I had my bag set off to the side and my cell phone went off. I ran like a ninny to go get it and realized there was a car seat in my way and tried to jump over it and got tangled in the handle and wham! Down I went right on my right front tooth. Luckily, it is strong and stayed in it's place. I did get a nice fat lip, but with ice, it ended up looking like a botched collagen injection job. Who'd a thought you could get a lip job for so cheap? I'd have a great picture of that except I don't know where it disappeared to. Maybe I'll add it another day. That's all for now, we're getting ready to sub for Santa among other things. Hope to catch up on all of you soon!
1 comment:
I only have blank spaces, no videos. I would love to see those though! Fun times! Maybe we should have a talent show at the reunion next summer and you can re-inact it with your sisters!:)
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