Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sumo Baby
The picture that accompanies this article is priceless. The baby next to the 17 pounder looks a little freaked out! Wouldn't you be? Like, "What the???I'm not gonna mess with this roommate!" The family sounds so charming. That mom deserves a medal! They were probably thinking they just had a one year old. :)

1 comment:

Victoria said...


I was reading your Utahn post and had to laugh. I get that mentality a lot, then realize I am a Utahn. I grew up in CA and NJ then UT but stayed in UT of course, yet I do not have the thought process as some do here, thus making it hard, and not wanting to be considered one of! Oh well :)

I've enjoyed ready your blog, your dd looks beautiful in her dress and pouty ticket face, priceless! My dd will be 18 next month, and has had her share of car mishaps-I laughed too. :)

Oh, and your age gaps sound like ours, but different circumstances. Our dd is also outrun by brothers. hee hee! I look forward to getting to know you better.
