Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Photo Tour of Recent Weeks

If the one you leave in charge does this to her wall:You can only expect the youngest to do this:
Why are my kids not all gouged with swiss cheese like this pile of their clothes? And why do they insist on taking the ribbing off their sweatshirts? I shouldn't complain, once I went to pick up Enigma from her class after church when she was about 6, and she had undone the seam all the way down her arm and sides, the top was only still on because she had a ribbed collar at the top.
Follow the yellow cracker road... What is it with this child? He's always leaving trails like this. Notice that someday I might have a real floor. Part of the tile is down.
We are on our third splint since Memorial Day. I guess the real mystery is why isn't this boy breaking his bones every other day?
Stonehenge is a mystery and so is this. The garbled explanation had something to do with trying to keep water in. Maybe they were trying to build their own swimming pool? I'd set up the pool if we ever had weather to inspire it.
Lastly, things a singleton can't do with himself. This also explains the condition of their clothes a little better and why I rarely buy them anything that isn't from a second hand shop.


Joanna said...

Trail of crackers? Maybe he doesn't want to get lost? hehe

Anonymous said...

Hansel and Gretel? Was the wall lacking art? Oh, boy. I can't wait until mine starts pulling this stuff.

OHmommy said...

Oh wow......

Awesome pictures!

Kellan said...

Boy - they are a handful! They could be swinging sticks at each other - cute video! Those crackers crack me up!

Hope you are having a good week - see you - Kellan

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I love the new pictographs on the walls.... looks like the natives have paid you a visit!
I've witnessed fights very similar round here!

Lijy said...

the video was the best. you can make out the fun they are having, in their laugter.

Its such fun to be kids, and walk around like that, doing anything.

Anonymous said...

well....i know you think it is a little frustrating...but i can't help but think it is all so cute & precious!! :) That was a Funny video, too :) You have some cute li'l yungsters!

Don Mills Diva said...


The trail of crackers cracked me up!

debi9kids said...

Ahhh yes! I think I have a few pics of my boys doing the very same thing with their shirts! LOL
Boys are GREAT! LOL
:) Debi
ps I found you through Livin' with Me. Hope you don't mind me stopping by. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone else, I think the trail of crackers is a riot! Gives a new meaning to thinking "outside the box"!

Leeann said...

LOL! Your kids sound an awful lot like mine...mischevious and WAAAAY too smart for their own good!

caramama said...

They look like they are having so much fun! Who needs toys when crackers and shirts provide such entertainment?