I am such a total dorky airhead that I forgot to post this till I just got around to reading people's blogs again. I was supposed to tell you to submit entries to this book but I spaced it, and that was so annoyingly irritating of me because many, many of you have far better things to submit than I do. So, the deadline was 3 days ago, but I bet if you sneaked one in, no one would care.
This is what it's about. Stephanie Nielson of this blog and her husband Christian were in a plane crash on August 16th. The pilot was killed and Christian has burns on 30% of his body, Stephanie has burns on 80% of her body. They are in need of help for their recovery. So, Sue over at Navel Gazing came up with the brilliant idea of compiling a book called Sometimes Life Is Funny, with submission from bloggers about the humorous side of life. The plan is to publish this in November so that you will all buy a ton of copies to give as gifts for Christmas. I'm sure it is going to be great, and the proceeds will go to the recovery fund. How cool is that? It's a win-win-win thingamadoodle! I can't imagine going through the recovery process they are going through. Burns are so excruciatingly painful, people! There is a recovery site at http://www.nierecovery.com. Read Stephanie's blog and the recovery site and you will just want to do something to help them. The info on the book is at this post on Sue's blog. Keep checking back on her site for more info on when the book will be available. Plus, Sue is so fun to read, you'll be glad it takes forever for November to get here.
I did turn in something to Sue, never heard back... guess it wasnt to her liking?
I have a meme (if you're up to it) and an award for you at my blog.
This was a cool blog to check out, the one with all the old posts from Mrs. Nielson. Very touching!
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