An Artist. I started drawing on the furniture at a tender age and my mom thought I was an artist, so she kept me supplied with anything and everything so as to let my talent bloom. In High School I had enough leisure time to paint these.

Then I continued majoring in Art in college. I don't have diddly squat to show for those years, since most of my work then were assignments that made for weird things to put on your wall, they were more like exercises. They were ever so much more painterly than the high school stuff though. I had potential, but I just was too distracted to invest what I needed to invest of myself to become a true artist. Eventually I realized that if I planned to ever graduate and get a job, I'd better study something different. I tried to keep painting, but the truth be known, it was too hard to concentrate on my new major, my social life, my work, and art. The artist fizzled and died. Plop! All that parental encouragement and resources amounted to ??? I have created very very few pieces of art since then. I look at these and wonder that I am the same person that did those. I remember doing them, but it seems like something that happened in a galaxy far, far away. I never developed that talent any further, I put it on a shelf, hoping to pick up some other day, when I'm a grandma?
wow, I'm impressed. Seriously!
They are really nice. Whenever that time comes, hopefully before grandchildren, you should definitely pick it up again.
I think they are GREAT! There is a time and season for all things... youll know when it is time to start working on your art again!
I don't remember ever seeing that first one before. Is that a real place, or purely your imagination? If it's a real place, where is it?
I hope you do find time to paint again someday. I know who hard that can be, though - I've barely been able to stay in the ward choir lately (and when G is with me I often can't sing with them when they perform). My primary hobby these days is playing with G.
Wow, what true talent! To be able to paint like that is really a gift. Remember to think outside the box too, you can use that artistic sense to paint beautiful things on refurbished furniture, for example. It isn't always pictures that show true artistic talent (you can do that too, of course) may be in the combination of colors, patterns, fabric and color combination. I have a sister who works with furniture and her artistic side comes out in that way, and she makes some good money for any piece of furniture or cabinet she and her husband design and paint.
P.S. And, it is truly, truly satisfying to take something old and tired and turn it into something new, fresh, and beautiful. I did it for a while too but just couldn't get out to find the furniture (you can get it from garage sales, auctions, estate sales, craig's list).
I can see why your mom kept you supplies in canvas - that's some awesome talent there, girl!
Those are beautiful! I really hope you pick that up again!!!
Hope you will sometime get back to doing more with your art. All the posted picts are great.
These are good, too bad that life gets in the way of creativity, huh? Yes,maybe when you're a grandma you can get back into it and paint, draw create with them!
Those are fantastic! You really have talent. I say "have" not "had" because I believe talent is something that never goes away. Just the time to develop it.
Good luck finding the time, probably once the kids are old.
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