On Halloween eve we discovered the Things had a whole slew of right shoes, no left. I finally found one left play shoe, so the next day one went in play shoes, one went in two right school shoes. Did the other school shoe ever appear? Of course not. Eventually the other play shoe, the sandals and the other stupid cherry rain boot appeared, but not the other school shoe. Tuesday I finally caved and got some new shoes. I thought the missing shoe would immediately reappear, but no. Hmmm. Anyone in Timbuktu have a strange size 12 child's shoe show up at your house? Enigma went out for Halloween with friends, dressed as an 80's teen.

Gigio squeezed into the ninja for the 3rd year running (What a bargain it turned out to be!)

The Things both wanted to be Tigger. We have the body, not the head of a costume and they can barely squeeze in it, so I went searching a whole 36 hours ahead of time. Of course there were no costumes out there. Then I got the brilliant idea to buy a simple poncho pattern and turn them into Tiggers by adding ears, face, tail, stripes, etc. I got some cheap fleece and some fabric spray paint (great stuff) and had a nervous breakdown trying to get a free moment to whip up the costumes the day before. This would have been easier if I weren't also helping Carino get a Rush Hour game of a book he read for his book report ready to take to school the next day. How hard would it be to take pictures of the setups and paste them onto copies of the cards? With my luck? Of course technology belched right in my face and made HUGE and
tiny copies instead of normal size ones. Can you tell from the helicopter view that he made a fire dragon, a boy on a quest, mountains, soldiers, forests and rivers?

Back to the Things and their costumes, considering how warm it was this year (finally) we didn't need a fleece poncho over a coat, but they like wearing them still. I've left them out for play.

While I was getting those materials, I got a green vinyl tablecloth to make Carino what he wanted, a Link costume. Never heard of him? Ask computer games fanatics. We Googled an image of an elfin warrior guy and off I went. I taped the hat together and cut and tied the rest. We used just clothes we had and a toy shield for the rest. One item was a pair of brown boots I own. I figured they would last a day with him. Next time I tried to put the boots on, I found candy melted into the toes. I still haven't figured out how to get it all out.

I never got to the pointy ears, seeing as it was time to go trick or treating by the time I got this far. After a quick trip around the block, we went to see Papi at work and then Grandpa and Grandma's. They had a blast with the cousins.

I tried to fix the red eyes, but the crappy programs that have just come with cameras and things are not up to a good fix job. At least it's not noticeable here. What's your favorite photoshoppy-ish program? I want to get something but don't want to be disappointed that it's as spastic as all the stuff I already have.
Sorry to be behind the times, you would think that with digital cameras and instant posting, I could have gotten this post done sooner!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
All right shoes? Interesting...somebody has to have some left ones, right?
Look at all those cute kids and their costumes.
WOW! You are one amazing mom to pull off those costumes! Looks like it was a fun Halloween for your kids. Love the Link costume (Legend of Zelda is one of my fav. games).
I am AMAZED at the costumes you did!!! You are creative!
You did a fantastic job!!! The kids look good--I still haven't downloaded my photos yet!
How awesome!
I love the memories from Enigma's costume!
Love the faces the boys are making! Hee hee! And the 80s costumes are fun too.
Oh my goodness you are crafty! Looks good so whatever works.
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