Darla over at Tortoise in the Fast Lane gave me this award and tagged me with the infamous 7 random things about me. Darla is really amazing and one of my favorite posts of hers is this one. (Check it out) So, I must be real random to get this so much, but I will put a little twist on it. I will tell 7 things I started doing but stopped doing. This is really convenient, because I don't have to think about it. (Off the top of my head I could name about 100 things.) I was already working on some posts related to this, so I will just link to the old ones, and add on the rest in a flash. Save us all a bunch of posts. Then there's a point at the end, I think.
1. I used to decorate cakes (more pics). (That's my parent's 50th anniversary, aren't they cute?)

2. I used to paint, as I recently posted about (more pics).

3. I used to be a crafting queen. Show me a new craft, I was all over it.

4. I used to knit. I had a companion on my mission who taught me and helped me knit my first sweater. I would insert the picture here if I could find it. (see #3) Then I made another sweater after I got home.

5. I used to be an entertainer of sorts. I would sing, and occasionally, act. I wasn't ever going to be famous for my singing, but I was in school choirs and sang in ensembles at different events and church functions on occasion. I was in a community production of The Music Man and had a lot of fun. I went to speech tournaments and even won a trophy for a dramatic rendition of something or another. I never tried out for another play or took classes, because I was just too busy or lazy or something. If I had the determination, I would have gotten into the choirs in college or taken more than a semester of voice, but I kept getting distracted by my other pursuits. (Too much dating.) Sorry, no sound byte. Maybe I'll tape something someday. If I ever remember to sing. My kids have usually told me to shut up when I sing or to turn off the music when I play it. They have sensitive ears. Eventually, with age, it wears off, but I just recently got to where I could sing without being banished. I'm not sure if I still have a voice. The only acting I do now is pretending to remain calm when shopping with all five kids, or while trying to stop my kid from wriggling out of a papoose and out of the hands of 3 medical assistants, just to get his blood drawn, or while pretending to be a monster, chasing the kids to bed.
6. I was such an athlete (In my dreams). On a whim, I tried out and got on the drill team in high school. No previous training in dance or anything. Did I go on to join the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders? Heck, no. Truly, it's a good thing I didn't even aspire to that one, I would be a frustrated individual. I didn't even do much with dance other than fulfill my P.E. requirements with a class or two in college.
I never went on to be a basketball star after winning the regional fifth grade basketball shooting competition, either.
7. Now, I do a few more things: I interpret. I'm not a bad interpreter. Many have complimented my work. Everyone thinks I'm really good. But, I know just how pee wee I am at the whole thing. Because I know how much better I could do if I had the dedication to squeeze in the continuing education and follow up on things I learn along the way necessary for true greatness in the field. Really, I probably have the potential deep within me to be a hot-shot UN interpreter, but heaven knows I will NEVER put in the effort necessary to get there. I just do passable work while sleepwalking due to sheer innate ability. I even consider going into another more stable line of business sometimes. Of course, I don't do that, because there's the mom thing consuming most of my time and money. Sooner or later, I will lose my mind or retire or both. I won't be an interpreter any more.
I think I'm doing a fairly decent job as a mom. I know I'm doing the best job I can. (Which sincerely makes me cry sometimes because I wish my best were so much better.) Still, I doubt I'll ever get a mother of the year award. I'm just content to know that probably, my kids won't destroy the world and most likely will be happy contributing members of society. At least that's what I think on a good night. When they're all sleeping. Even if they cause some global disaster, I feel pretty fulfilled with all that I have pulled off as a mom so far. I definitely wouldn't change this job for anything. My kids will grow up, and I will always be their mom, but it won't be a full time career any more.
I also like to write. I discovered that I'm not too terrible at it. I mean, there's potential there. I found a paper I wrote in college recently. It was so amazing, it had all these big intellectual thoughts and words in it and it was written so eloquently. I didn't remember that I used to be able to string words together so well. I would post it if it were in English and if I hadn't lost it again after I read it. If I really wanted to, I could learn to write really good, I think. Sometimes, that sounds like a fun thing to do. Except, I just barely have time to think about learning to write. The thought of writing a book makes my head hurt. Blogging fills my writing urge without the pain of an editor and publisher or having to achieve greatness or anything. And I can't even bring myself to be a professional blogger or do anything classy like design my own template. Not that I don't have ideas, I just don't have the time or the knowledge to really kick things up to that notch. I don't really want to go there, ever. Unless I get bored someday. Except I do have to write a book with companion CD which is an instruction for life disguised as a cookbook for my kids before they leave the nest. I'm running out of time on that one so it may never become a reality.
SO, What have we learned except that I have ADD? I'm a true underachiever. What am I going to be great at? Maybe nothing, but do you know what my aspiration is? No matter what else I do along the way, or what life throws at me, I can keep working on this one. Every day, as I go throughout the day. My goal is to learn to love. Really love. Everybody. Even when it's not easy. Ever deeper. Like Christ loves. Perfect, pure, unconditional love, with acceptance and understanding. I'd like to make people feel like they really are wonderful and want to be their best self. I'd like to learn to know what to do to help in ways big and small at the moment, when the opportunity is there. I feel like I'm making progress, but the more progress I make, the more I realize how much more I have to learn. Except, this time I don't even give up, and I don't get sick of it. I don't even get too terribly distracted from it. I don't even get discouraged really, because the Giver of all love reminds me to have joy in all I have learned so far and all I have yet to accomplish doesn't take away from that. It doesn't matter if other people are better at loving than me, because I love learning from them, and the more people that are loving, the better the world is!! The more I learn to love, the happier I am. The more I learn about love, the more I learn about God and the more I feel closer to Him. It's really fun. And exciting. I think I might stick with this my whole life and I'm glad I'll never run out of things to learn. Love is really what makes the world go round. It's the power fueling the universe! I'm glad I was a flunkie at everything else, so I would find the real secret of life. SO, there you have it, my goal is to be the WORLD'S GREATEST LOVER.
Wait a minute... that didn't sound exactly right. Papi's getting all excited over here, so let me clarify. Papi, don't go getting your knickers in a knot. I will do my best to be a great wife, but for the rest of you, I'll be a good old friendly expert on the love of humankind. Did that sound any better?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
This is probably the best 7things tag post I've ever read. Funny and honest and I LOVE your goal. Truly.
That is an awesome goal. I loved learning so much about you. could relate to many, many of them. Why is there such a dichotomy between what we think we'll be and who we end up being? In some ways that's a good thing, but in others...
That was awesome!!!!!! I was very moved by your goal, you are so amazing!!! It's nice that we have blogging so others get a taste of it--since you are kind of busy loving your family and neighbors!
What a great post! I love the love thing! And the incredible stretching pants...
Great goal! I really enjoyed this seven things meme.
The difference between you and me is that I never started any of those things in the first place! "That looks too complicated" I'd think or "That is for talented, creative people like my sister Shellie..." Seriously, I have started and not finished a lot of things. Just different things than you! Loving everybody, now...that is something I can work on! What a great idea!
what an amazing post....I am just so glad you commented on my post, just so I could come read this!
Funny, I see myself in a lot of the things you used to do. My kids have almost fled the nest, only one left at home and I thought I would be able to regain some of the used to's but not much yet. :(
Great PSF!! Love the little easter dress :)
Lovely post!
And I don't think you are an under achiever.
This was a fun post, I learned so much about you!
How true, all the things we use to do when we had time to do them. Great goal and great post!
Great post, how often do you get to interpret??? Did you go ona mission to Brasil to learn the language?
Well, this was definitely worth the wait! I loved it. I think the only things I can relate to is I learned to knit but never do anymore (not anything as complicating as you) and I have a love, a passion for languages but other than learning Finnish by osmosis (I lived there for a year and had no choice but to learn it..I grew up though with my dad and grandma speaking it and many in my church and community speaking it so just by hearing it all my life helped me learn it quickly), I haven't learned any other languages. Wait, I took two years of German in high school and learned quite a bit but have since forgotten most of it. Would LOVE to learn ASL (American Sign Language).
Such of a great post! I also think the love thing is a great goal. I think over the years, as I've gotten older and have had so many kids, I've learned to love so much deeper. My own kids as well as just others in general. I know though that I have so far to go.
P.S. Thanks for the nice words about my blog too! :)
I love it!! So interesting and funny!
I love it!! So interesting and funny!
I'm like 4boyzmdmom (as ALWAYS--we are identical twins, after all.) I never even attempted all that stuff you've tried--except I did learn to knit but never actually made an article of clothing--just samples for my needleworks class. I think you are amazingly talented and it's O.K. that you are too busy being a mom now and your goal to love better is the most important thing to work on anyway.
You're being modest--you are an awesome interpreter. Even if you don't study it as much as you think you should, you have an amazing natural talent for it!
You've just proved that when you have kids, they take over your life in ways you don't even want.
You are so artistic! And so talented! My guess is once the kids are out of the house, you will pick back up a few of the things you have dropped.
At least, I'm hoping to be able to...
I love the picture of you and your sweetheart. So cute!
Love T
What an excellent post! I just love to come read what you have to say!
Hmm. Tape. I guess that would work better for fixing a hem than a stapler. Thanks for the idea! ;-)
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