(I'm supposed to explain to those outside Utah that this is BYU and it's rival University of Utah combined into one logo.)
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.
Somehow, we ended up having more presents than normal this year. It had something to do with a disorganized, confused Mrs. Santa changing her mind a lot about what was the best thing to give and giving up and giving more. Everyone seemed happy and they were all really good kids that day! (Makes me wish Christmas could come more often, if it weren't for them bouncing off the walls the whole previous month.) On the other hand, we never got around to making goodies or giving presents to friends, family, teachers, etc. I didn't even get out my Christmas letter and card this year. We'll just surprise everyone sometime else less predictable. There were a few presents I wanted to sew and didn't so they are in the works for the 3 Kings to bring on January 6. I'm also working on a present for Papi for his birthday the first week of January as well.
For weeks Thing 2 has had me pull out the calendar and explain where Christmas is and what day we are on and how many days are left. Every single day. At least once a day. Ever since they got out of school for Christmas vacation, every morning he asks if we have anywhere to go today, and I explain it's another stay at home day. Today he said, "Yes! Another Saturday!" They like being at home. Except we've gotten out, to various Christmas parties and such. Our church congregation put on a pageant that had the most awesome set and costumes! It was amazing. We had a fun extended family home evening with sledding, paintbrush cookies and all. We've been out to see a few movies, too. It's been a fun season. And even the Wii hasn't been too bad. I hid it and set up a treasure hunt to find it and made them take an oath to obey the rules before they could get it. So far it has gone pretty good and we've all had fun on it. I drive a cow like a drunken sow, I must say. Good laughs!
Papi invited a few guests for Christmas eve and prepared the most outrageous meal ever to date! It was incredible, and no recipes, he just made it all up as he went. Enigma and I helped. Here's a few samples.

Can you believe this guy? Lobster tails and filet minon, garlic butter sauce, seafood pizza and spinach and shrimp appetizers, saffron rice, tomato salad, seafood shish kebabs and there was also a spinach dip and chips and eggnog, which we made with a recipe from Ashley Veater, and it is delicious, go get it! Also, there was strawberry cheesecake. And we also had so many food and treat items donated by friends we could have made a whole other meal. My one daughter who doesn't believe in seafood was delighted about the meat and potatoes and rice we were given. And our friends brought a yummy cream cheese cake with nuts and coconut.
I'd also like to apologize for all those who felt they needed to do penance after laughing at our nativity. I'll spare you the gumdrops given to the baby Jesus that joined the scene later. I had to bare the tree to add the lights and the boys wanted my ornaments on it afterward, so the tree ended up looking different.
What I do wish would wait would be for people to hold on to hate and strife. I wish what wouldn't wait would be for us to really "get" Christmas and learn to take advantage of His gifts to us. To me, the wonder of Christ's birth is the promise that one baby gave to the world. He brought us so much: Peace, real peace, inner peace and forgiveness. Hope. Hope for us now and forever, to become something better. Hope for us to be with the loved ones we miss so much again someday. Love. Unconditional love. He taught us to be able to let go and give everyone another chance- To simply go thy way and sin no more. Even if we're irreverent and mess with nativity scenes. To see our beauty even with our imperfections. To have families and friends to love and learn with. Joy. Joy in this world and life he gave us, for all our blessings great and small.
One of my favorite gifts I received this Christmas was just a card that said thank you for your unconditional love and support. From a wonderful friend who has many qualities. She's a great mother, super cook, patient beyond measure, very accepting, hardworking, fun loving and longfsuffering. And she's made a few mistakes. Many of her "friends" wouldn't accept her with those mistakes. It's been a hard few years for her since then as she puts her life back together again. I loved that card because it meant she felt our gifts of love to her. And I fell on my knees and thanked the Lord for giving me those same gifts so I could pass them on to her. I just hope she realizes He's giving those gifts to her even better than I am.
And since I just love Christmas songs, I'll pass this one I love on to you as well.
This isn't where I wanted the Wii clip, but I don't know how to move it. I'd have one of the boys playing with their hotwheels if I would remember to not turn the camera sideways when videotaping. Thanks for the presents, Erick and Liz! And Mom and Dad, we love you and your Christmas Village rocks!
It was fun to get together for a FHE before Christmas we should do it again! Tell Erika thanks, again!
That logo is awesome! We SO need that at our house. I went to BYU and my husband went to the U, and we have some serious rivalry going on around football season. :)
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Loved the videos - Wii rocks, and that village was amazing. I love trains and could watch them go around for hours.
I like what you said about Christmas...we talked about trying to be more like Jesus in Primary yesterday, which I thought was so nice right after Christmas, because if we aren't trying to be more like Him, than what good does it do to just talk about Him?
How did we get so many great chefs in the family?! Juan & Frank need to start a restaurant together...!
You sound like our house. Susie keeps asking, "Daddy go work today?" "No, honey, he's staying home." "Oh. Church today?" She can't get the concept of vacation time.
And I never got my cards out either.
Great great update! Sounds like a wonderful Christmas. My kids ended up with too much as well, thamks to crazy Mrs Claus too. LOL
Thank you for your prayers. I will say prayers for those on your list that need them as well :)
My boys were huge into legos!!!
And what a game huh? Go Utah! WELL only when they are NOT playing BYU
Belated Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful one!
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