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People who decorate the tree with Bionicles have to do
SOMETHING with the ornaments. He looks like an elf with candy cane dreadlocks to me. For the tree, see
Need more crazy? Here's a few nativity scenes from past posts. Because now I can make them bigger. This is the last time I'll post them. At least this year. The Holy Cow.

Mary had an accident in the wood shop- see her hands? Baby Jesus has removable arms, and the wise man is losing his head.

Power Rangers protection. Didn't know that they were the angels, did ya?

Why my children aren't asked to babysit.

If you have lots of time on your hands, the whole posts are
here and
Wonder how the nativity has fared? We still have it. The kids are rewriting history a bit. I think it was John's head that was brought on a platter to Herod, not the King's head delivered personally by the headless king to the baby Jesus, who needs a bath. Which he's apparently getting soon.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That is hilarious. I have a wee bit of Catholic guilt for laughing so hard at that I think. I'm asking for forgiveness right now.
Too, too funny!
If Jesus needs a bath, then it looks like he already got one.
Oh, and I love your reasoning for not letting the kids babysit.....Ask me sometime about the roof and the dog story......
You are hysterical! Merry Christmas!
I have a son who does stuff like yours. I call it creativity and ingenuity!
I should have known that Christmas Crazy, Shellie Style, would be all about boys. I thought the Holy Cow was good, but it just got better. Is it sacreligious to laugh at the messed up manger scene?
I wonder why they didn't report that particular "head on a box" gift in the bible? LOL! I love that your kids are creative and you let them be. This definitely qualifies as some serious Christmas Crazy! I know because you could have taken very similar pictures at my house 15 or so years ago! LOL! Gotta love boys! (Mostly because it's against the law to skin them alive. LOL!)
Merry Christmas!
Damama T's Christmas Crazy, too!
I can't wait to show my kids these photos!!! You win!!!!
Wow, headless wise men and Jesus on the roof. What a hoot1
Love the candy cane earrings, very cute.
LOVE the power ranges angels. :) And the candy cane earings!
That was really funny. I feel a little bad for laughing, though.
Too funny.
Your tree and this post are just hilarious. I laugh because I can see my 3 boys doing things like this.
Holy Cow! Bwahahahah!
OMGoodness, that is hysterical! And I love that you decorate the kids with ornaments and your tree with Bionicles...that sounds just like our house!
I have been laughing at this all weekend. The Power Rangers angel? Totally the best. Ain't nobody messing with a Power Ranger.
The Howler takes the Nativity seriously--it's the songs & stories she gets creative with. Verbal, not visual.
At least there aren't Lego men and action figures in there! Our nativity scene would most likely feature a Matchbox car or two. Love it!
It's never a dull moment when there are boys around,huh?!
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