Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Crazy Friday?

Burgh Baby is having a Christmas Crazy event December 20. You can link up and show the excesses of the holiday decorating and such. I'm not sure she had something like our house in mind when she planned this event.

My dear Enigma and her latest heartthrob pulled out all the Christmas boxes. Then they couldn't figure out how to put the tree together. So they just left the guts lying all over the living room. I really didn't have time to deal with it for a few days and wondered if disemboweled trees would be our newest holiday tradition. Several ornaments were already broken, and I smirked when I saw some "shatterproof" ones in the store. Just let my boys have a hand at those, I assure you they'll find a way to shatter them. Then I found some time to at least put all the tree puzzle pieces in their place, but not enough time to lovingly and artfully un-scrunch and pose the branches. Then the boys got ahold of the tree and did their own decorating.

If I were a burglar, I would definitely avoid my house. We have a lot of creatures ready to jump out of the tree and pounce on you.Yes, those are toothpicks sprouting out of Sandman's chest. I can't explain why, but it makes him more menacing, don't you think?Then there's Megatron, a real force to be reckoned with and he's the jumbo size.This little Bionicle is ready to spin his weapon and slice you like a block of ham at a deli.His buddies are going to back him up, too.Want this thing flying around you like a mad hornet? I don't think so. And there are more of these guys ambushed all over in there. Bionicles don't scare you, you say? How about molting snakes?Or poisonous tree frogs?
Or menacing dragons? Or teddy bears?! Well, even boys have a tender side. It's Christmas on testosterone, people, and you've gotta love it, even if it seems out of place.
(Photos brought to you by the one and only Gigio)
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Melissa said...

I do love it.... And my youngest son would absolutely love it-- he's a Bionicle freak!!

The Sports Mama said...

Oh Shellie... I LOVE this tree!

Our tree (should we ever get it up this season) is full of handmade ornaments, because those are what are important to me and the kids. I think your boys decorated that tree with what was important to them. How cool that they wanted to share the holiday with some of their favorite "friends"?? :)

Michaelle said...

Looks like something my five yr old would do if I let him!

4boyzmdmom said...

Loved the tree! If my boys were left to themselves to decorate, I'm sure ours would look similar. Or maybe would be empty because Seth would take everything off. At least, that's what he's doing with the real ornaments!

RAQ said...

Love it!!!

Brandt! said...

I love the bionicles! I remember those days .. my son never could get enough!

snaH said...

I just saw my first Bionicle the other day. It came in a McDonald's happy meal, so it might be something of a cheap knock-off of what you would actually buy in a store. G, of course, knew exactly what it was. I can't wait to show him these pictures - after I do my tree might actually get decorated before Christmas this year.

scrappysue said...

love it! your christmas tree is nothing short of unique and unrivalled!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

That's the best Christmas tree yet! "Christmas on testosterone" How funny!! great psf :-)

Unknown said...

I think that just might be the best decorated tree I have seen. :) I will stay away from toothpick guy!

Michelle said...

LOL! That is a little boys dream come true!

Mary Ellen said...

I adore your action figure tree - but toothpick guy scares me.

Ashley said...

That is seriously so cute! I love that your boys had so much fun with that tree!

Steph said...

Love the tree! Totally kid friendly...since they are the decorators! LOL!

CC said...

Bwhahahaha! I especially love the spiky Sand Man!

tommie said...

THose are hilarious. My 5 year old thinks it is a hoot to put toothpicks in playdoh and pretend it is a cactus plant. He nonchalently leaves it on my nightstand. When I 'accidently' bump it he roars with laughter.

Heavens to Betsy the time I really smack it....note to self: move the pokey playdoh plant!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

This is so funny. I can relate though--when there's an oddly empty spot on our tree, I admit to finding one of the kids toys or any random decoration/nick nack and stuffing it in to fill the hole.

Joanna said...

Hee hee - cute!

Valerie said...

That was great. I am finding out that boys are so much fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you'll be back, I will.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh that is just beyond brilliant. I sense that in my near future!

Patty O. said...

That's awesome. And my son is right there with yours in his ability to shatter those shatter-proof ornaments. Just say something is unbreakable and my son will break it. Danny would love your tree!

Burgh Baby said...

That? Is an AWESOME tree! I LURVE IT! I'm a little scared of it, but I still love it.

Roger Miller said...

What a cool looking tree - I think I might want one, even with the molting snake.

justmylife said...

I love it! It just screams you have kids!!!

Unknown said...

That's so much hawtness right there. SOOOO much hawtness. I'm hella jealous and if that were my tree, I'd totally put some lights on it and leave it like that. All warped and effed up. It's HAWT!

Laski said...

Suddenly, all the flowers and sparkly stuff on my tree sorta suck.

J (who will be 2 by next Christmas) is so in charge of decorating next year. . . .

Trooper Thorn said...

A few Autobots and Decepticons and you've got yourself a completed tree!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Love the non-traditional decor! Some kind of boy party happening daily at your house, I can tell! :)