Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
After seeing the eye doctor and getting my first prescription and getting a whole lecture about different types of lenses and coatings and all with some pricing, I set off to compare and see what I could get in the area. What I got was confused. I have been using little reading glasses that aren't strong enough because apparently your head is supposed to grow as you get blinder, but my head didn't get that memo. Everything falls off my head when I look down. Now, I hoped to get some glasses that fit and looked good on me. Every place I went to told me I couldn't get frames with that small a lens for the type of lens I need. I was figuring I was still going to have to get something with lenses so big, I would look like I had compound eyes in them. Unless I wanted another material that will be thicker than my pinkie finger or some such thing. They would all blurt out a bunch of disagreeable such options with even more objectionable prices and I would give up and leave with my head swimming and my eyes watering. This was worse than high school algebra. One smart person wrote down my options at least, so I could go home and think about it. I eventually decided to go back there because it was going to have a bigger selection of frames and a second pair for half off. Well, then when I went back the story had changed and I could get polycarbon no glare lenses that would not be thicker than a coke bottle bottom and I had a little more breathing room on frame selection. Problem is, did you know when you try on frames, you won't be able to actually see through them to see what you look like in them? Also, the store was closing in 15 minutes, because that's how I roll and if I waited, it would be Easter before I made it back, so I just tried on about 30 as fast as I could and picked some frames and got them ordered. Then I waited anxiously for 10 days. Would I like them? I didn't remember what they looked like. Except, maybe I never knew because, everything looked fuzzy. If I hadn't been so friendly, that other person wouldn't have chosen one of my favorite frames in the keep pile and went off and ordered them before I made my choice, eliminating that possibility. I should have taken more time, I should have tried on more frames. I should have gone back with my daughter or someone who could tell me what I looked like in each frame. I should have paid more attention to details. I'm going to be stuck with this choice for a while. It felt like waiting for a blind date except I was going to have to go steady with him for at least a year. Well, the day arrived. I think it turned out to be an arranged marriage. I could have done better, but I could definitely have done worse. I'm terribly un-photogenic besides the fact that I'm funny looking, but here are the glasses.

If you are thinking these are really un photogenic shots, you haven't seen anything yet. Here's an example of anything:
The thing I like the least about my frames is that they sit way off my head about an inch on the edges so I can easily hit my husband in the head with them.
Here, this shot up my nose shows what I mean.

Do I see any better in them? Well, at first I honestly felt seasick and was forever spinning my head around trying to find the right angle to look at whatever I was trying to look at through them. They are progressive lenses because I need reading glasses, but I also need distance glasses for other things. At first I had to push the glasses up high to read and down low to drive and learn how to do all kinds of head gymnastics to see anything in between near and far. Now, about a month later, I've learned how to move my eye quickly to where it needs to go more. I still have some issues, and some days, I just can't see that great anyways. That's because I found out I have something called keratoconus. Which means my cornea doesn't hold it's shape. So, some days my eyesight is worse than others. Actually, hard contact lenses are supposed to help that, but I have another condition no one could name that makes my eyes really sensitive to everything and they really gooped up so I don't know how well that will work. Eventually, I may have to have a surgery for the keratoconus. We shall see. No pun intended.
On a happier note, I am in wedded bliss over my haircut I got around the same time as the glasses. It seems I was born to wear a bob, so I have gone back to that style. I worked real hard to take a picture of the side of my head, but I couldn't manage the back. But I think you can see that it is shorter in the back and tapers down lower in the front. Here's the view the farthest back I could get and still get the side too.

I like your haircut - it looks great on you! I have given up on the progressives. They drive me batty-crazy, and are a source of no end of frustration for me. I'm going back and getting separate glasses. The only time I really need the distance ones is when I drive.
Tink *~*~*
Fort Myers Beach Moon
Oh, my gosh, you had me laughing my head off. Not at the pictures, but at your descriptions!
I like your glasses, and your haircut, very much. You look like a star in those sunglasses.
I just recently had to start wearing glasses - I have trifocal progressives - and it took me a bit to learn to lift my head when I need to, but now I love being able to see so much, I hardly complain!
I was thinking just HOW much I loved your haircut..... can't seem to convince a stylist to do that to mine though.... did cut my daughter's hair in that style and love it on her!
As for the glasses they look pretty good. ( I so totally get this post having worn glasses most of my life ... I bought my most recent pair on line and love them! Got them at glassesshop.com)
I love your hair!!! And I think your glasses are cute!
Yeah, I always hated trying to pick out frames when I couldn't see anything! I think you did pretty well--they look good to me. I LOVE the haircut! Maybe I will try mine that way sometime.
Great pictures! I love the glasses and sunglasses and think both look fabulous. The blinking shot was hilarious and good for you for posting it! I always delete those! lol. I absolutely love your haircut...very posh! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier! Yours is great...I'll be back!
Ha ha! I'm glad I've never worn Coke bottle glasses. (I'm glad you didn't either.)
Cute sassy hair and I love the glasses. I have the hardest time picking out glasses and sunglasses.
Oh what a hoot! I totall dig that haircut, you have such thick lush hair!!
I hate getting new glasses because they dilate my eyes first and I pick what I think looks darling and then when my eyes go back to normal, I'm stuck with geek peeks.
But I thought yours were cute.
I absolutely love the haircut. It looks awesome. Your descriptions are very funny. I don't suppose you got them at Lenscrafters? They have a 30 day guarantee. I do think they look nice though.
I recently got multi-focal contact lenses. I'm just not ready to go to bifocals and I haven't worn glasses in years.
You picked out great pairs.
I had never heard that anything about size of lenses. In the 20+ years all I've been told is you might not want that frame because you will really be able to tell how thick they are. I have to wear my contacts in order to pick out frames, but then again I cannot make out the first big E on the eye chart.
You hair looks fab! I'm pretty sure mine is supposed to look like that if I had it cut more often than every 9 months!
And, I love the glasses, too:)
nice do! .. i did lasik surgery a couple of years back and my only regret was i hadnt done it sooner..
something to think about ? But the do and the specs on you look maaaahvelous:)
I love your hair! It's so thick and full.
thanks for stopping by! that's one cute haircut
The glasses are very aristocratic.
I love your hair!
Loving the hair!! Wish I could have that hair style..looks very good and the glasses to boot!!
Geez, who would've thought just getting a pair of glasses could be such trouble, huh? Those "Glasses in 90 MInutes" commercials make it seem so simple, LOL! Glad you got a pair - and they are really cute on you. And I don't think your unphotogenic or funny looking - you look lovely in the first two photos. And kudos to you for sharing the bad-blinking one, made me chuckle! And love, love, love your hair! Thanks for stopping by to read my not-so-romantic engagement post!
Geez, who would've thought just getting a pair of glasses could be such trouble, huh? Those "Glasses in 90 MInutes" commercials make it seem so simple, LOL! Glad you got a pair - and they are really cute on you. And I don't think your unphotogenic or funny looking - you look lovely in the first two photos. And kudos to you for sharing the bad-blinking one, made me chuckle! And love, love, love your hair! Thanks for stopping by to read my not-so-romantic engagement post!
I love your haircut and you managed to find some cute glasses! I always hate the glasses search.
I LOVE your haircut. It is SO Cute.
Very nice haircut and great choices for the glasses too!
Your hair AND face are beautiful! My little girl is ADORABLE but nearly every picture we take of her, she does this funny thing with her eyes. And you just get a glare when you have your picture taken with glasses on! (Which I love by the way, you look great in them!)
Thanks for that awesome post!
I LOVE the glasses! They are really cute.
But your hair? I don't think super-fantastic-adorable is too strong a word! :-)
Very cute! I like the cut on you. I don't think the glasses are bad.
I think we have the same frames!
At least pretty close. Years ago I bought Bill Bless frames and spent $75.00 on the clip on sunglasses...so I just take the clip on to the store and if it fits the new frames...I buy them...makes my life easier in some ways! Had to get my first bi-focals...getting used to the head gymnastics too! Pax.
I got progressives last month too! I had the same vertigo/woozy issues, so they are letting me switch back to regular ones, with separate reading glasses.
You're right - there is nothing more confusing than buying a new pair of glasses.
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