Papi always says, "Don't get them more toys for their birthday, get them clothes." What fun is that? They're kids, they're not interested in clothes. But then again, who needs toys if you've got clothes?

Someone in the background aren't taking advantage of the fact that he has his whole wardrobe to himself right now. Then they started undressing. It was hilarious. Here's just a clip in the middle.
Then they figured out all they needed to do was slide the pants down. Duh!
oh my gosh
what a funny post - my kids have done a lot of crazy antics but never tried to get in the same piece of clothing.
who's shorts and pants are those? I can't believe they fit in it. funny!
Oh, how FUNNY! I love the underwear-clad little boy on top of the couch in the background. :)
that's way too funny!
thanks for stopping by
Cheap entertainment is the best!
How hilarious! I love the little boy undies in the back ground, so funny!
LOL! Too funny!
Hilarious. I am cracking up at your kids right now. Love the naked baby in the background. So funny!
Love it! Esp. the first one. They have the two headed thing down pat.
I love how kids can find fun in the simplest things! So funny and what a blast they must be.
Great photos!
Too funny! I love the monkey in the background! Makes me think of the days with my kids.
lol! That is hilarious! Who needs television when you have kids?
LOL! Kids are soooo funny! Love it! :)
Once again, I love the chaos that happens at your house. LOVE IT!
Thought you were going to have to break out some scissors!
Boys are so hilarious. My little guys are silly too!
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