For example, every single night of my life, I think I say to my kids, "It's time to get ready for bed. Go brush your teeth, take a shower and get to bed." That's what I think and that's what I'd swear comes out of my mouth. But, no. Apparently that is not what I say, not even when I repeat myself because the minute they tune into my message, they run off to the kitchen and start foraging for food. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that I must really be saying, "Go eat."
The same thing happens when I tell them to do their chores. I think I say "Get to work," instead, I appear to be saying, "Go have a snack," because off they go to build sandwiches. Do your homework? No, I'm still asking them to eat more. Get ready for church, school, the dentist, a party, the store, you name it? No matter where I send them, it somehow comes out "Go to the fridge, leave the freezer and fridge doors wide open while trying to decide whether or not to consume every single item inside."
Please, help me someone, before my spoken vocabulary is reduced to one single imperative word- "Eat!" (And the sad part? When I mean to say eat? They don't obey.)

Ha, ha! It must be genetic--I seem to have the same problem.
Me too. We better all turn ourselves in for a study so this disease can be identified and cured!
I always thought the disorder was in THEIR ears - think RECEPTORS, not PROJECTORS.
Whatever it is, we were infected with it, too. The good news? They (sort of) outgrow it.
Two words: refrigerator lock.
We have the opposite problem. Whatever the kids want, they believe I said.
So they might say, "mom can we get ice cream after swimming" and I say, "I don't know, probably not" and after swimming its, "But MOMMMM! You said we could get ice cream...."
Great thoughts...I asked my kids how many times I should give them before they are punished for not listening they said 10 so I said it ten times fast! I totally feel like I speak another language or something but maybe they are tuned to a different frequency!
I think my kids hear only some words. I say "Do not eat in the living room" They hear "eat in living room."
we have that very same disorder over here...believe me.
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