Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Before and After

K- these were taken by a ten year old, same spot, same lighting and all, not the best resolution because most of the photos were of my walls instead of me so I had to crop out the walls. For some reason the background seems different too,  not sure why... anyhow, that was the best I could do for now.  


RAQ said...

cute, you look a lot younger in the second photo! not that you looked old in the first, just a contrast

4boyzmdmom said...

Yes, you do look great! :)

Elizabeth said...

Hi. I just stopped by to read this post and the last one about DYT, and I never comment on blogs. But I had to stop and tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous. I can't figure out where you ever got the idea that you are funny looking. Might as well drop that idea right now.

I'm a Type 1, too. Keep having fun!