Friday, January 23, 2009


This morning we had rain, which means it's not freezing anymore and hopefully this inversion will clear out, but it got the ice and snow all melty and my tires got stuck in it this morning. I had to dig myself out again. I really want my own personal snowplow. Since I hate winter, I try to ignore it. Since it has been hard to ignore, I decided to at least enjoy how beautiful it can be and so one day last month a snow storm cleared out while I was driving home and it was so beautiful, I got out and took some pictures.

aftersnow2car2shadow3sun3 IMG_0591 IMG_0593

Do you know what this picture represents? Hope. Snow is melting and dripping off the eaves onto the steps below.IMG_0597 Later that day as I drove kids home there was a circle with rainbow colors in the sky, right in front of a little cloud. It was so cool I ran to get the camera, but the second I snapped, it went away. You can almost see it in this close-up. Just a few tinges of pink edges.rainbowspot

IMG_0598Another day we woke up to everything covered in ice. icing1 icing3 icing5 And hazy skies. IMG_0831 If I had a camera built on my forehead, I would have the coolest pictures of some great drives. So, for now, that's all!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


RAQ said...

awesome photos!!!!! hang in there!

Pancake said...

AWESOME PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Killlashandra said...

The ice pictures are very nice. Very frosty. :) Sunshine and snow make for some very nice shots.

Karen said...

I love the frost-covered things. But having your own snowplow would be fun, wouldn't it? Of course that would mean that you'd have to get out in the snow and play daily...

Virtualsprite said...

Gorgeous photos!

Mary Ellen said...

Mother Nature always paints a pretty picture. It looks very similar around here. Great photos - and great attitude!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Those mountains are gorgeous!